Who's Running This Thing?

All the loveable rats you'll meet at the shop.

Head Rat

Matthew Rupert

Matthew (the Owner) was a sponsored mountain bike racer who used to drink Jones soda from a bottle with his face on the label. So yeah, he’s kind of a big deal. From age 5 Matthew was OBSESSED with bikes – racing them, crashing them, repairing them, building them – you name it. As he advanced in his racing career and became of legal working age, he also put his obsess…we'll call it passion…and meticulous attention to detail to work in bike shops everywhere.

As Matthew matured and “settled” down, this rebellious dad created Rats Cycles to escape his kids, and restore other people’s bikes. He loves bikes, his family, HoHos, and making people happy. His simple start repairing bikes at a local farmer’s market led to the Rats Cycles you'll visit today.

Second Rat

Christian Mostert

Christian is Schwarzenegger to Matthew's DeVito. (Matt's comparison, not mine.) While like Matthew, Christian grew up riding bikes, building ramps, jumping over his friends, and dismantling bikes, the similarities end there. In his youth, he couldn't be bothered to put a dismantled bike back together and used his bike as access to exploration. In college, he wisely adapted his height to rowing instead of basketball, and then went on to pursue the time-honored life of a desk-bound professional.

After becoming mentally exhausted by sedentary work and long-winded meetings, Matthew encouraged Christian to join Rats Cycles to "apply some of that business knowledge and endless curiosity to bikes." Christian gleefully accepted and quickly went about constructing things, learning how to unclip from road pedals, reassemble bikes, and do some businessy things. Besides his family, his greatest joy is getting tree sap on his hands.

Store Rat

Kori Klein

Kori is our lead salesperson and Store Manager. She LOVES biking. Sometimes we suspect all she thinks about is bikes, making her the perfect person for guiding customers through the overwhelming bike options. Hailing from Canada, she brings a constant cheeriness and helpful nature that puts even the grumpiest customers in a good mood. She’s probably incapable of frowning. Kori and her husband, Kevin, basically live in motion, whether it is bikes, paddleboards, camping, kayaking, etc., and together they also serve as our ride leaders on Saturday mornings.

Service Rat

Thomas Milonovich

Thomas is our lead mechanic and Service Manager. His happy place is fixing things…anything. Bikes, cars, small engines…you name it.  When he isn’t fixing things he’s making things, from embroidering patches to growing produce. When all that fails to occupy him, or when he needs to relax, he’ll be outdoors somewhere enjoying nature. He’s inquisitive, persistent, thorough, and precise, so yeah, he’s well-suited to repairing your bike.

  • Ryan

    Ryan will most likely greet you on the weekends. He's extremely knowledgeable in all of Trek's products and fitting adults and kids on the right size bike. When he's not working, and perhaps when he is, he's thinking about golf and finance.

  • Taylor

    Taylor comes to us from a long Naval career. To occupy herself when in port she developed a love for mountain biking and downhill racing. We suspect adrenaline junky tendencies. She knows bikes and knows how to guide customers with through the tough decisions.

  • Dennis

    Dennis is our service technician. Don't let his quiet nature fool you. He sees and hears all, and under Thomas' tutelage he has mastered the nuance of seeking out and repairing the causes of creaks and groans. This attribute will serve him well as he continues pursuit of a nursing degree.

  • Ben

    Ben is our bike builder extraordinaire. His infectious enthusiasm for bikes, thrift shops, and Univegas keeps a smile on our faces when he's around. When not at Rats he's drumming in a band, playing volleyball, and quite possibly annoying his neighbors with his working vintage slot machine.

  • Fire Roasted Quality and Value

    Every bike shop is going to say they have quality and value, but is it FIRE ROASTED? We carefully select the brands we sell and put them through rigorous testing in group rides, competition, joy riding, and the abuse heaped on by children (to their bikes, not us) to ensure its worth of being called fire roasted! We are deeply passionate about the products and brands we sell, and yes, they provide superior quality and value. 

  • Donut Loving Staff

    Vanilla cream, boston cream, and glazed; thanks for asking! We are passionate about cycling, fitness, fun, family, and yes, donuts, and we are here to help you find precisely the right products to make lasting memories and achieve your goals. Our goal is to listen, provide options, and make your experience with us outstanding, whether you are getting a flat fixed or buying that high-end carbon bike.

  • Our Price Promise

    We promise that everything in our store has a price.  You may not be able to see it, but it has a price. Oh, you want to know about PRICE MATCHING? It's simple. If you find a product we have in stock for less at one of our local competitors, show us their current price and we'll match it. If you find it for less in, say, Montana, then gas up and go get it! Don't let a great price get away! Sorry, we cannot price match on special orders. You also have the option to ask for a discount. We have the option of suddenly becoming hard of hearing. To be generous we give bikes to Soldiers on Singletrack at Fort Belvoir, support local Scouts Bike Rodeos, and do safety checks at the Tour de Mount Vernon.

Why is it called Rats Cycles?

Great question, and one we get often.  Years ago when Matthew was growing up, he had an uncle with whom he spent a lot of time.  That uncle had a business called Rats Gym.  Matt loved his uncle and the time he spent there, so he called his bike shop Rats Cycles to honor of his uncle ("He's not dead!", Matt's yelling at me.  LOL.)

The name also embodies how the shop began.  Rats are smart, scrappy, fierce survivors, and while you may not want to cuddle one, they are no pushovers like mice. Rats Cycles started with a pre-owned bike, some tools, a tent, and one man's dream. We have worked hard every day with the same fierce rat-like determination to bring the best experience, service, and bikes to our customers.

What do we stand for?

EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE. There is no judgement here. Everyone, EVERYONE, deserves to be treated with respect. We do not judge our customers for riding older bikes, dirty bikes, or big box retailer bikes.  Everyone has the right to spend their money however they like, and we understand that you want something repaired, not an attitude.

WOMEN like bikes too. We know buying a bike as a woman can be as intimidating as buying a car, but it DOES NOT have to be. We know women ride bikes.  We have two on our staff! And Matt and Christian have wives who would not have married them if they treated women as helpless.

WE LOVE DEALS! While Rats has changed and we now offer a wide selection of new bikes, we will never leave our pre-owned roots.  We have some great deals on pre-owned bikes that we've taken in, repaired, tuned-up and put out for sale. Sure, cheaper used bikes are out there, but don't you want one that's been professionally serviced before you ride it?